This involves the use of therapeutic grade essential oils. These oils are designed to help balance & bring a person into greater health. By using the best grade oils this gives the body a greater opportunity to heal itself.
I use only Young Living Essential Oils because I believe they are the highest quality produced on this planet! They are distilled with the best of all knowledge and help our bodies find balance and healing.
Raindrop Technique is most effectively performed in silence or music is optional and just enough talking for feedback if needed.
This allows the therapist to concentrate and serve as a better channel while allowing you to quit your mind and assist in the healing process. Both Therapist and client should engage in Raindrop with an attitude of peace letting go of all distractions.
The client is the principle participant to bring about their own healing. The therapist is but a channel assisting the client to mobilize their own healing powers.The client is asked to be aware of their breathing and relaxed their body as the session progresses.
The body, mind and emotions are in layers. During any given Raindrop session only those layers the client is ready and willing to release will be released on those levels. When the client feels something is ready to be released they can say this affirmation:(or any other affirmation that seems right)
"I lovingly and willingly releasing that which no longer serves me in a positive and progressive way."
Raindrop Technique is a complete modality, in and of itself, that reaches to all levels of the body, mind and emotions.
The objective of Raindrop is to awaken the receiver's internal healing power. At the completion of a Raindrop Technique session the client will have been lifted to a delicate state of balance and receptivity to healing energies.
Raindrop Technique is generally done as a treatment by itself.
Gary Young incorporated into RT nine of the most potent therapeutic-grade essential oils.
All of these oils have been heavily researched. They were selected to synergistically combine to simultaneously kill viral and bacterial pathogens, reduce inflammation, support the immume system, ease respiratory discomfort, relax stressed muscles, curb digestive upset and relieve body and joint discomfort, as well as balance energy, lift the spirit, restore calm and increase the ability to concentrate.
The seven single essential oils used include:
*oregano (origanum compactum)
*thyme (thymus vulgaris)
*basil (ocimum basilicum)
*cypress (cupressus sempervirens)
*wintergreen (gaultheris procumbens)
*marjoram (origanum majorama)
*peppermint (mentha peperita)
In addition, two essential oil blends, Valor and Aroma Seiz are incorporated into RT to further facilitate energy balancing (Valor) and muscle relaxation (Aroma Seiz).
These oils are dispensed around the neck ,shoulders and on the feet. Then like drops of rain from a height of about six inches above the back and feathered and massaged along the vertebrae of the spine and back muscles. Although the entire technique takes from 45-60 minutes to complete, the oils continue to work in the body for up to one week following RT, often with continued re-alignment taking place during this time.
CAUTION: RT is not a cure-all or a magic bullet. A healthy balanced body is the result of a well-rounded program of exercise and proper diet. Health is everything we do, say, hear, see, and eat. RT is only one tool to help restore balance in the body. Healthy eating habits,drinking plain water every day and a positive, open mind will also help prepare the body and skin to accept the oils better and more rapidly.
Raindrop Technique helps stimulates and detoxification the body. It is crucial for the client to drink plenty of water following a therapy session and avoid toxic fluids such as soda pop, coffee, or alcohol.
Sometimes the detoxification process results in bodily soreness, headache, sinus drainage, coughing or a rash on the skin. (important to let the therapist know if you have any allergies).
While unpleasant, these symptoms are temporary and are merely an indication that the technique is working. If the colon, liver and kidneys are saturated with a release of toxins the skin becomes the third organ of excretion--thus a rash.
A word about skin sensitivities. I always Dilute the essential oils. This is a safety measure and it does not effect the benefits of the oils.
Therapeutic grade essential oils (such as those from Young Living) are generally safe to apply neat (not diluted) to the skin without unpleasant reactions. But I prefer to be safe and dilute all oils.
However, people prone to allergies or whose bodies are in acid condition less of the essential will be used and diluted as needed.
Double your water intake. For the vast majority of Raindrop clients their experience is a sense of improved well being, relaxation, and sometimes energized.
What RT does is to help cleanse one of the consequences of past negative actions and affords one the opportunity to start fresh by living in the present.
Emotional releases can occur with this RaindropTechniquesince the oils, when inhaled, go directly to the central brain which coordinates the memory of stored emotions.
The oils also go directly to the muscles, tissues and organs throughout the body where emotions can also be stored in cellular memory. Essential oils can penetrate cellular membranes and release these forgotten emotions.
In rare instances, receivers may have a emotional response. In such instances, the RT session has provided the client a safe environment to allow such expressions to manifest and work themselves out.
The benefits of RT may not all be apparent immediately following the session. Adjustments can continue throughout the week following.
However, the completion of the benefits to the client's mind, body, and emotions takes place over a period of hours and days following the session and may not all be evident right away. Furthermore, some of the benefits may be subtle and not noticed.
D. Gary Young developed the Raindrop Technique (RT) based on (1)his research with essential oils as antimicrobial agents, (2) his knowledge of the Vita Flex technique and its reflex points in the feet, and (3) fascinating information on effleurage (finger stroking) and its effect on the muscles and the nervous system, he learned from the Lakota people in South Dakota.
Gary Young found that when this Lakota practice of effleurage was coupled with the energy created by essential oils and Vita Flex, its effects were greatly heightened. Since it formal adoption in 1989, RT has received an enormous amount of praise from users all over the world for its help with relaxation, emotional release, tissue cleansing and help with spine.
In 2001, Dr. David Stewart, PhD, circulated a questionnaire to cover 2000 health practitioners, massage therapists, aroma therapists and their clients, to gain insight on the results that were accruing from RT.
He received 422 responses summarizing the experiences of some 14,000 RT sessions. His findings are summarized in his booklet, A Statistical Validation Of Raindrop Technique.
Overall, the 416 respondents who had received RT rated it positive (97%), pleasant (98%), resulted in improved health (89%), and resulted in an improved emotional state (86%). 99.9% of receivers said they would choose to receive RT again.
Another foundation principle behind RT is the idea--now being explored and verified in a number of scientific studies--that some types of spinal misalignment are caused by viruses or bacteria that lie dormant along the spine.
These pathogens create inflammation, which, in turn, contorts and disfigure the spinal column.
RT is a powerful, non-invasive technique utilizing the antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action of several key essential oils to assist the body in maintaining normal spinal balance. During the past 18 years it has helped alleviate chronic back pain for some people.